COVID-19 Data Tracking API icon

COVID-19 Data Tracking API

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Request Access

Access to the sandbox or Production version of the API can be obtained through the following steps.

  • Click on Request Access on the top right corner.resources/image-bfe031d7-8d0a-411e-ab0b-257d454c867a.png
  • Select the API instance as applicable.resources/image-74013adc-676a-4e64-b07d-a4a4fbedbd2c.png
  • Choose an existing application or create a new application.resources/image-80b81564-5ff6-4830-8524-006c2e9922e3.png
  • Fill in the appropriate details for your applications.resources/image-212edecf-72fc-427b-be0b-cbe1d81d9f98.png
  • Select the appropriate SLA tier for your client application.resources/image-f31e4ac4-99cb-4791-9217-8c46e1c8078b.png
  • Accept the Terms and Conditions.resources/image-8c30ed5f-49ea-49fa-9e8e-bcae6cdaca80.png
  • Submit the request access button.
  • The client credentials will be visible under the My Applications tab.resources/image-48ea571e-c1df-4e24-a73e-98dcfd16ad69.png
  • The client application will be effective once the user gets an email stating the application has been approved.

Access to the API endpoints will be manually approved.
